The Ultimate Twitter and Facebook Image Template
Because of the advocacy work I do, I create quite a few images to share on Facebook Pages and Twitter. Because the two platforms display images so similarly, it's not practical, nor is it a good use of time to create two versions of each image to meet the specific nuances of each. To solve this problem, I've adopted the model used by business cards and "full bleed printing."
Enter, The Ultimate Twitter and Facebook Image Template. This simple PSD template shows you what parts of the image Facebook will crop out in the timeline view. As long as you keep all the critical information in the center portion, your image or info-graphic will look great and display at the maximum size on both platforms.
Click Here to Download the Ultimate Twitter and Facebook Image Template PSD.
Note: I recommend setting the template file to "Read-Only" to keep you from accidentally saving over it. Once you've made your changes, just make sure to click "Save As."