Introducing the American Moderate Party
In a surprising move last night, John McCain and Olympia Snowe announced they would depart from the GOP effective immediately. The unlikely duo also announced the co-founding of a new political organization, The American Moderate Party or AMP. Though no other Republicans have made public announcements, many expect most of the so-called "RINOs" to join the AMP by the end of this year. They will also seek the support of Congressional Independents and self-described "moderates."
To those who have left the Republican Party, all I can say is "thank you." Your departure will make the GOP vastly more appealing to conservatives on the verge of losing faith in politics. Without the RINO's the Party can return to its true purpose, and once again the GOP will be allowed to promote its core values of limited government, individual freedom, and personal responsibility. Without your corrupting influence, the Republican Party can once again return to prominence. No longer with the GOP have to fear criticism predicated on the actions of a few rogue members who place "bipartisanship" above their values. The Party will actually be able to take sides in important ideological disputes. That said, know that the Republican Party harbors no animosity for your defection; we're glad your finally stating your true beliefs.
Unfortunately, I feel your movement will be short-lived. As you should have learned from the previous election, the American public doesn't want a candidate whose primary concern is that we all "just get along." Democrats aren't going to vote for Liberal-Lite when they can go Full-Socialist, and true conservatives have shown they'll ditch the polls and sacrifice four years to make their point. We all understand compromise can be necessary to push through an agenda, but you seem to think only the GOP should have to sacrifice. Granted, you could be right. Perhaps Americans want an indecisive leader who's always willing to cave under pressure. If so, then I guess McCain has nothing to worry about in 2010, and I'd expect to see a remarkable AMP victory in 2012.
/******* Update 10/17/09 3:02 PM - would like to clarify that the above article is Political Satire. Snowe, McCain have not announced their departure from the Republican Party. *******/