Half of YouPromised.org Politicians Lost in 2014
I got the idea for YouPromised.org back in the fall of 2013. Political candidates and conservatives were talking about the President's false promise to voters, the 2013 PolitiFact® lie of the year, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it."
That lie had been repeated by numerous politicians, but no centralized, publicly accessible list of offenses existed. After a few weeks of asking when the Republican party would create one, I gave up hope that they would and built it myself. Each politician's page includes a record of each instance I was able to find where they promised those who liked their healthcare plans would be able to keep them. Each promise entry is either linked to its source or accompanied by video. Two years later, YouPromised.org has served as a valuable reference for activists, politicians, media, and other political entities. The site was referenced by the NRSC, Washington Free Beacon, Hot Air, Breitbart, Raleigh News & Observer, Women Speak Out PAC, Freedomworks, and the campaign teams of Thom Tillis and John Cornyn, among others.
More importantly, less than two years later, half of those politicians featured on YouPromised.org have been removed from office. While it would be ridiculous to claim my small site was responsible for their ouster, I do think it's important to make sure voters remember politicians' lies. It's a lot harder to do that if you have to re-invent the wheel and track down the original sources every time you make an ad or pen an editorial.
My focus when I created this site was the 2014 elections. Over the next year, I intend to add more members of Congress to the site and maintain the pages of those who were evicted. Kay Hagan's supporters have already started grumbling about a 2016 Senate run. If she decides to run, YouPromised.org will be there to remind voters how she lied to them at least 24 different times while forcing through a disastrous health care takeover.