America: Sold!
"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic" noted Benjamin Franklin. Entitlements will herald the end of the republic. A majority of Americans voted to gloss over four years of failure in exchange for more free crap. More free crap, and a corrupt, complicit media gave this election to a man who shouldn't have stood a chance at reelection.
Our debt has exploded through $16,000,000,000,000.00. Likewise, our deficit is so large, it swallows the entirety of the 10-year campaign in Iraq and half that amount again each year. Who cares? Obama is offering me more free crap.
Brian Terry and an untold number of Mexican citizens were killed because of a moronic gun walking program, and the Justice Department only stonewalls. Who cares? Obama is offering me more free crap.
Religious liberty is in peril. Doctors, hospitals, churches, small businesses, individuals may be forced to violate their conscience by order of the state. Who cares? Obama is offering me more free crap.
Health care decisions have been ripped from the individual, and are now subject to the whims of the Secretary of Health and Human Services and a panel of unelected bureaucrats charged, not with securing the best care, but minimizing expenditures. Who cares? Obama is offering me more free crap.
Our foreign policy is a disaster, and the administrations inaction in Benghazi led to the death of our Ambassador and those who tried to save him. Who cares? Obama is offering me more free crap.
Our constitution lies in tatters. Who cares, Obama is offering me more free crap.