Alabama Democrat Party Can't Pay Bills, Evicted From State Headquarters
At least they're consistent when it comes to racking up debt they can't afford. Unfortunately, in the real world, you can't just fire up the printing press:
"We're broke, broke, broke," Worley told the party's Executive Board in a special called meeting Friday.
How broke is broke? Worley didn't sugar coat the answer.
"This is my 18th day as chair and thirty minutes after I took over on April 22nd the landlord of the building where our party headquarters are came in and said he wanted us out, that the rent was overdue and was always overdue," said Worley.
Next came the water company with a message, said Worley: pay up by the next day or we're cutting off the water. Next came the same warning from Alabama Power. Next came news from banks that party credit cards had been maxed out and were now cancelled.
"I didn't even know where the checkbook was, not that it would have made much difference," said Worley.
via The Alabama Democratic Party: "We're broke, broke, broke." |